The Aamla grown in Pratapgarh is a major part of its identity. Guavas and mangoes are also cultivated in the district on a large scale. There are a number of food processing units in Pratapgarh which manufacture a variety of products including Murabba, Pickle, Jam, Jelly, Laddoo, Candy, Powder, Juice, Aamla Powder and more. Currently, a large number of small and medium enterprises are operational in this area. Thousands of people are employed by these units either directly or indirectly.
The District that forms a part of Faizabad Divison is named after its headquarters town Bela Pratabgarh, commonly known as Pratapgarh. Pratap Singh, a King of the locality who flourished between 1628-1682, fixed his headquarters at Rampur near old town of Aror. There he built a garh (fort) and called it Pratabgarh after his own name. Land of Pratapgarh is cultivable due to which food processing industry in area is flourishing day by day. At present total Registered Industrial Unit in Pratapgarh are 6510. The forests cover an area of 569 hectares of the district which are mainly concentrated in the centre of the district. The forest consists mainly of trees like Sagon, Sesam and Jamun.
Small Industries
Major Industries
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